A mum who has been struggling with the rising revealed a ‘rare win’ where she saved $230 on groceries.
Shekirra, from , shopped the markdowns and scored $285.29 worth of meat for only $56.44.
Her recent meat finds include lamb cutlets ($2.93), hot dogs (60c), chicken burger patties ($1.70), loin strip beef ($1.93), and more.
Several of the products had different prices based on their expiry date, but Shekkira wasn’t worried because she planned on freezing them immediately.
The Coles shopper’s secret to success is frequency – and she regularly finds herself going through the markdowns section at her local supermarkets.
Shekirra, from Queensland, recently shopped the markdowns and scored $285.29 worth of meat for only $56.44
The mum has a large box freezer at home where she freezes all her budget buys to defrost when she needs them.
She shared an image of her ‘amazing’ finds and thanked her parents for teaching her about markdowns.
‘This should have cost $285.29, but instead it cost $56.44!’ she said.’What a blessing to have this quality meat and spare money to spend on something else.’
When asked about her tactic, she admitted that she simply got lucky sometimes.
‘I can honestly say it’s pure luck.I can walk into the same store 10 times and get next to nothing – and then other times I get hauls like this. I make the most of it when I do find them and have full freezers for my family.
‘I’ve also found the more times you go, the more chances you have at finding markdowns.If I’m in the vicinity of a Coles or Woolies and have a few spare minutes, I just take a look. Sometimes you get nothing, poker383 other times you get a surprise.
‘The other trick is freezer space. I have a large fridge freezer and a spare box freezer.When I do my weekly shop, I don’t shop for meat per se, as I usually have a bunch of stuff frozen from when I see markdowns.’
<div class="art-ins mol-factbox femail" data-version="2" id="mol-0f72f7f0-276f-11ee-99b1-8ded6d1ab4e6" website struggling with cost of living scores $285 grocery haul for $56