Definition of Social Activities

However, what is meant by social activity? And what are the social activities that can help preserve the environment?

Social activity is an agenda or activity carried out together in the community with an orientation towards the common interest. Social activities can provide benefits for each individual and community involved, such as increasing social spirit and creativity, maintaining friendship between neighbors, and also creating a solid and healthy community.

In addition, there are also social activities that specifically benefit the environment in which the community is located. One example is community service activities. Maybe you are already quite familiar or even participated in community service in the neighborhood around your house.

Community service is usually carried out once a week. Through this activity, the environment will become cleaner, fresher, protected from various diseases, and in particular can also help tackle climate change. This is not true of our efforts as a society to be able to care for nature so that it is always sustainable.

Examples of Beneficial Social Activities for Nature Conservation

Preserving nature is the responsibility of all levels of society. You can contribute directly through social activities held in the home environment. Below are some examples of social activities that have benefits for the preservation of nature.

1. Dispose of Trash to its Place

An example of a social activity to maintain the preservation of nature, which is the simplest to carry out, is to put garbage in its place. Garbage that piles up in places where it shouldn’t be can definitely cause other bigger problems, such as flooding, causing bad odors, to the development of dangerous diseases.
Through the activity of collecting waste and returning it to its proper place, we are able to prevent environmental problems from occurring and also get used to always putting waste in its proper place.

2. Separating the Types of Waste

Separation of the types of waste in the neighborhood is a social activity that must be carried out. Given that Indonesia is currently the world’s largest ocean dumper of plastic waste after China, we as citizens should understand the classification of types of waste and how to sort it to its management.

3. Cleaning Roads and Ditches

Street and gutter cleaning activities should be carried out regularly. Usually the community organizes this community service program once a week. This is done so that garbage such as plastic bottles does not enter the sidelines of the ditches and blocks its flow, especially during the rainy season it can potentially cause flooding.

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